For Users


Before you begin, you’ll need JupyterLab 3.

pip install jupyterlab=3

conda or mamba is also highly recommended, once you have heavy custom dependencies:

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab=3


Get up and running fast with pip:

pip install --pre jupyter_starters

…or conda:




jupyter_starters integrates with (but doesn’t require) cookiecutter. It also uses importlib_resources to populate the curated “pantry” of cookiecutters. Again, install it with pip

pip install cookiecutter importlib_resources

or conda

conda install -c conda-forge cookiecutter importlib_resources


You can list your available starters with the jupyter starters list CLI.

!jupyter starters list --help
List all installed starters.

The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
    <cmd> --help-all

    set log level to logging.DEBUG (maximize logging output)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level=10]
    Show the application's configuration (human-readable format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config=True]
    Show the application's configuration (json format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config_json=True]
    generate default config file
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.generate_config=True]
    Answer yes to any questions instead of prompting.
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.answer_yes=True]
    List starters as JSON instead of YAML
    Equivalent to: [--StartersListApp.json=True]
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level]
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.config_file]

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`.